School of Programming

Udacity Unveils a Completely Revamped iOS Developer Nanodegree Program

Announcing iOS Development with SwiftUI and SwiftData The demand for iOS developers proficient in Swift is soaring. With over 2…

3 days ago

How Do I Become A Programmer? The 7-Step Guide

It might be obvious by now, but here at Udacity, we really love tech and the people who shape it.…

3 weeks ago

Help Shape The World of Web3 with Udacity’s New Blockchain Nanodegree Program

Unlock the power of blockchain for 50% off with Udacity.  As we continue to navigate the exciting new frontier of…

1 month ago

SQL Simplified: Your Guide to Mastering Data Communication

Welcome to the World of SQL Imagine you’ve been given the keys to a vast library. Within this library, books…

1 month ago

Does GitHub Copilot Live Up To The Hype? We Think So – Here’s Why…

Faster deployment, unprecedented coding efficiencies, and navigating seismic shifts in the world of programming with AI. By now, it’s safe…

7 months ago

3 Essential Front End Developer Tools

It’s no secret that the world of front end development moves fast. From evolving security requirements to browser updates to…

8 months ago

7 Reasons to Pick Up JavaScript Today

For #BacktoSkills month, we’re spotlighting a series of skills that supercharge careers. This week, we’re looking at the most popular…

10 months ago

Python Tips & Tricks

For #BacktoSkills month, we’re spotlighting a series of skills that supercharge careers. This week's skill is Python, a popular, general-purpose…

11 months ago

Swift Closures

This post on Swift Closures is a continuation of our previous post on Swift functions where we went over the…

1 year ago

Go (Golang) Structs

In Go (Golang), a struct is a composite data type that allows you to group together related values of different…

1 year ago