It’s the first edition of our iOS Resources Roundup, a monthly roll-up of our favorite articles, resources, and courses in the iOS world. Go ahead: pinch and zoom away.

Aerial view of a clean hip desk. iOS Developer Resources Roundup

From time to time, it’s fun to imagine a big break. Read how a small studio landed an app in an Apple ad during the World Cup.

Did you preorder? If so, this list of all upcoming Apple Watch apps will find comfort in your bookmarks bar.

The Art of Code Review: A Dropbox Story is a peek into tools and practices that let a team of developers fix code together.

Tick tock. Anyone can now submit Apple Watch apps and this is exactly how the WatchKit submission process works.

When designing apps, the best icon is almost always a text label.

How much money can indie app developers make? Overcast reports on revenue numbers from three app developers.

Apple’s Network Link Conditioner is a useful performance tool that you can add to your iOS development toolbox. Check it out.

Spice up Apple’s Xcode with these 13 tips and tricks.

Want to develop native iOS apps with JavaScript? It might be time to take a look at React Native.

If you’ve ever struggled with AutoLayout on iOS, here’s advice straight from an Apple engineer.

Core Intuition is a great podcast about Apple indie software development, and Episode 179 is about all things Apple Watch.

“A better job is one of the best kinds of recognition.”

“With the skills I gain I will be prepared for an entry level iOS developer role. But I will also be prepared for jobs of the future and can even apply these skills to my current role.”

— iOS Developer Nanodegree student Mikaila. Read more about why she’s taking up the Udacity program on Getting Smart.

New iOS Courses

UIKit Fundamentals with Gabrielle Miller-Messner — learn the iOS user interface library. Level: intermediate

iOS Networking with Swift — learn how to incorporate networking into your apps. Level: advanced

iOS Persistence and Core Data with Jason Schatz — techniques for storing data to your device’s hard drive.

iOS Developer Nanodegree — get notified when the next enrollment period opens.

Chris Morell
Chris Morell
Writer, content creator and storyteller dabbling in code. Tweet me with your favorite coffee brewing techniques and/or quotes from The Wire.