Career Guidance

Becoming a Robotics Engineer in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

Imagine having the power to design and build intelligent machines that can explore other planets, perform life-saving surgeries, or revolutionize manufacturing – those are just a few of the many exciting innovations a career in robotics engineering could hold for you. And with the global robotics market projected to surpass $151 billion by 2031 in the United States alone, the industry is one brimming with opportunities for bold builders and creative thinkers around the world. In this post, we’re going to dive deep into the field of robotics engineering, share with you the 5-step framework to landing a job in the industry, address some frequently asked questions you might have, and more. Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

The Scope and Impact of Robotics Today

Defining Robotics Engineering

The Step-by-step Guide To Becoming a Robotics Engineer

Robotics Engineering FAQs

Get Started on Your Journey

The Scope and Impact of Robotics Today

As technology advances, so does the scope of the robotics industry – here are just a handful of those innovative use cases. Collaborative robots or “cobots” are designed to work alongside humans, enhancing productivity and safety in manufacturing and logistics operations. Aerial drones and autonomous vehicles leverage robotics for applications like delivery, monitoring, and transportation. Autonomous vehicles in particular, are revolutionizing the automotive industry by increasing safety and efficiency on roads. In healthcare, surgical robots assist doctors in performing precise, minimally invasive procedures, leading to better outcomes and shorter recovery times for patients. Rehabilitation robotics aids in physical therapy and assistive technologies. The field of biorobotics combines biology and robotics principles to develop innovative solutions like prosthetics, exoskeletons, and even robots inspired by biological organisms.

Robotics also plays a vital role in space exploration by allowing unmanned probes and rovers to investigate other planets, moons, and asteroids and collect invaluable data. The Mars rovers like Perseverance and Curiosity have made groundbreaking discoveries on the Red Planet. From automating warehouses and farms to cleaning buildings and defusing bombs, robots increase efficiency and safety and open up new realms of possibility across various industries and use cases. 

Defining the Robotics Engineer Role

As the masterminds behind these incredible machines, robotics engineers combine their skills in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, AI/ML (artificial intelligence & machine learning), and mathematics. Their typical responsibilities include:

  • Design and Prototyping: Developing 3D models, schematics, and technical drawings before building physical prototypes of robotic systems and components.
  • Programming and Control: Writing complex code in languages like Python, C, C++, and Java to control a robot’s movements and behaviors. Integrating software with hardware. Utilizing AI/ML algorithms for adaptive learning and autonomous decision making.
  • Sensor Integration: Incorporating sensors like cameras, lidar, radar, accelerometers, and gyroscopes to allow robots to perceive their environment for navigation and interaction. Using ML algorithms for better computer vision.
  • Testing and Optimization: Running simulations and real-world tests to validate a robot’s performance and iteratively improve designs.
  • Collaboration: Working closely with cross-functional teams spanning different engineering disciplines as well as industrial designers, AI/ML (artificial intelligence and machine learning) experts, business leaders, and others.

To excel in this role, robotics engineers need an inquisitive mindset driven by curiosity to solve complex challenges. Math, coding, and technology skills are essential, along with creativity for innovative designs. Strong problem-solving, communication, and collaboration skills are key to coordinating with a wide variety of stakeholders.

The Step-by-Step Path to Becoming a Robotics Engineer

Step 1: Get Your Educational Foundations Sorted

A solid educational background lays the groundwork for a career in robotics engineering. The most direct path is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in robotics engineering which covers core topics like kinematics, dynamics, control theory, electronics, AI/ML, and programming from a robotics lens. For those who don’t have a dedicated robotics program nearby, majoring in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science or related STEM fields can also provide the fundamental knowledge required. Many universities offer robotics as a specialization or minor to complement these majors.

Step 2: Acquire The Essential Skills for Robotics Engineers

Along with a relevant degree, robotics engineers need to develop expertise in several key areas:

  • Programming: Proficiency in languages like Python, C/C++, Java, and MATLAB is critical for programming robot control systems and behaviors. Understanding data structures, algorithms, and software architecture.
  • Robotics Frameworks: Hands-on experience with operating systems and middlewares specifically designed for robotics development like the open-source Robot Operating System (ROS).
  • Machine Learning: Knowledge of ML techniques like computer vision, natural language processing, neural networks etc. to build intelligent, adaptive robots that can perceive, learn, and make decisions.
  • Mechanical Design: Familiarity with CAD tools like AutoCAD and SolidWorks to design robot structures, configurations, and simulate mechanisms.
  • Electronics: Understanding embedded systems, microcontrollers, and sensors that form the building blocks of robots.
  • Math and Physics: A strong grasp of subjects like calculus, linear algebra, geometry, kinematics, and dynamics is foundational.
  • Soft Skills: Effective communication to collaborate with teams, present ideas clearly, and build professional relationships.

Step 3: Gain Hands-on Experience Through Projects and Internships

Practical experience is also important for aspiring robotics engineers to apply concepts learned in the classroom or online courses. Most engineering curricula incorporate design challenges and capstone projects where students build and program robots. Joining robotics clubs allows you to develop skills in a fun, collaborative environment. Internships at robotics companies, research labs or robotics divisions of larger firms help you understand real-world workflows and systems, with many co-op programs offering longer paid opportunities. 

To gain practical, job-ready skills through projects, enrolling in Udacity’s Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree program is an excellent option. This program is taught in part by our founder, Sebastian Thrun, who’s led projects like Waymo and Google Glass, spearheading other pivotal projects in the field of robotics. It offers a wide array of self-paced courses covering the latest tools and technologies used in robotics, allowing you to build a solid foundation of practical skills directly applicable to the workforce.

On a personal level, tinkering with robotics kits, Raspberry Pis, and development boards to create your own robot prototypes at home and documenting them in an online portfolio is invaluable. Hands-on experience not only solidifies technical abilities but also develops problem-solving, critical thinking, and project management skills that employers value highly.

Step 4: Acquire Quality Certifications and Licenses

While not strictly required, obtaining professional certifications can demonstrate your expertise, boost your credentials, and give you a competitive edge, especially early in your robotics career. As mentioned above, completing a Nanodegree program like our Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree program provides an industry-recognized certificate validating your hands-on skills in robotics programming, computer vision, and control systems.

Some other certifications to consider include the Certified Robotics Systems Engineer (CRSE) offered by the Robotics Institute of America, covering core robotics integration concepts. For those focusing on ROS, the ROS Industrial Consortium provides official developer certifications at Associate, Professional, and Expert levels. Mastering AI and machine learning skills relevant to robotics can be demonstrated through an NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Certification.

Depending on your area of specialization, robotics engineers may also need to obtain state-level licenses for certain applications like drone operations or medical robots. Be sure to research specific requirements for your region and domain. Remember, achieving recognized certifications along with practical project experience signals strong preparation for robotics roles to potential employers.

Step 5: Enter the Robotics Workforce With Confidence

After building up relevant education and skills, it’s time to embark on your professional robotics journey. Leverage all available job search platforms – company websites, general job boards like Indeed and LinkedIn, as well as niche job boards specific to engineering or robotics. Additionally, networking is vital – attend robotics conferences, meetups, and events to connect with professionals already working in the field. Having a portfolio of academic and personal projects demonstrates your hands-on abilities. Alumni networks can also facilitate referrals and insider information. To start, you can explore platforms like, join communities like the r/robotics subreddit, and get active on forums like Robot Forum

While robotics roles exist across an array of industries and locations, a few key hubs have emerged:

  • Silicon Valley and Boston areas in the United States are hotbeds of robotics with a concentration on disruptive startups as well as established giants.
  • Japan and Germany are global leaders in industrial robotics with corporations like FANUC, KUKA, Yaskawa Electric headquartered there.
  • Pittsburgh is a renowned hub of robotics R&D anchored by Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to become a robotics engineer?

The path to becoming a robotics engineer is a multi-year journey. Most start with a 4-year bachelor’s degree program in robotics engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, or mechanical engineering. Those pursuing advanced degrees like a master’s or PhD will require an additional 1-3 years.

However, academic education is just one component. It’s crucial to simultaneously gain practical hands-on experience through internships, co-ops, robotics clubs, and personal projects. Make use of every opportunity to apply concepts from the classroom, code robots, and test solutions.

Additionally, the learning never stops for a robotics engineer. Continuous upskilling is a must to stay updated on the latest technologies, tools, and trends transforming this rapidly evolving field. Plan to continuously invest time in online courses, attending conferences/workshops, and hands-on learning throughout your career.

How much does a robotics engineer make?

While the salary of a robotics engineer varies by location and level of experience, Indeed pins the average salary for the position in the United States at $115,465 annually.

How do I get started in robotics?

If you’re new to robotics, start by building a strong foundation through online courses, tutorials, and books that cover key fundamentals like programming, mechanics, electronics, and core robotics concepts. Next, get your hands dirty with personal projects. Whether it’s assembling beginner robotics kits, programming robots using Raspberry Pis and Arduino boards, or even participating in robot building competitions – nothing beats the experience of actually creating and tinkering with robots yourself.

Once you have some basics down, start exploring the various specializations within robotics based on your interests – industrial robotics, medical robotics, aerial drones, space exploration, and more. Identify your passion area and drill down into the specific skills needed through focused courses, research work, or targeted internships.

What is required to study robotics?

To study robotics at an advanced level, whether through formal education or self-learning, you need a solid grasp of fundamental STEM disciplines including:

  • Mathematics: Algebra, calculus, geometry, linear algebra, and statistics
  • Physics: Mechanics, dynamics, kinematics
  • Programming: Languages like Python, C++, Java, MATLAB as well as AI/ML
  • Electronics: Microcontrollers, circuits, embedded systems
  • Mechanical Design: CAD, 3D modeling

Beyond the technical skills, robotics also demands an analytical problem-solving mindset, creativity for innovative design thinking, and the ability to communicate complex ideas clearly. Strong collaboration and teamwork capabilities are vital too, given the multi-disciplinary nature of robotics projects.

Is it hard to get a job in robotics?

Like most cutting-edge technology fields, getting your first job in robotics can be challenging given the competitiveness of available roles. However, companies across diverse industries are seeking talented robotics engineers to build the next generation of intelligent automated systems.

To stand out from the crowd, focus on:

  • Building an impressive portfolio showcasing robotics projects you’ve worked on
  • Gaining relevant hands-on experience through internships, co-ops, or research work
  • Attaining recognized certifications like a Udacity Nanodegree or Certified Robotics Systems Engineer
  • Actively networking at robotics conferences, meetups, and job fairs
  • Developing specializations aligned to areas with high industry demand

The more you invest in developing applied, job-ready skills through self-learning and on-the-job training opportunities, the better positioned you’ll be to launch your robotics career. With dedication and perseverance, landing that first role becomes increasingly achievable.

Can you get into robotics without a degree?

While a bachelor’s or higher degree in fields like robotics, computer science or engineering provides a solid educational foundation, it’s not an absolute requirement to work in robotics in today’s landscape. With self-driven learning and the right experiences, you can transition into this field without a traditional 4-year degree.

The key is to develop all the core competencies through alternate learning paths:

  • Complete concentrated online courses and bootcamps in areas like programming and robotics from reputable providers
  • Build a portfolio of robots and robotic systems you’ve designed and coded from the ground up
  • Attain industry-recognized certifications for robotics skills
  • Get hands-on training through internships, co-ops, or entry-level technician roles
  • Showcase applied projects that demonstrate your robotics problem-solving abilities

While the path may be less structured compared to pursuing a formal degree, what truly matters is having the right skills, knowledge, and experience verified through rigorous online learning, projects, and certifications. With dedication and hard work, you can absolutely pave your way into robotics without a university degree.

Ready To Embark on Your Robotics Engineering Path?

The future of robotics is filled with possibilities – from intelligent factories and autonomous vehicles to robotic surgical assistants and extraterrestrial rovers exploring the depths of space. As emerging technologies like AI/ML continue advancing, robotics will become increasingly ubiquitous in our lives. If you’re captivated by the potential of these incredible machines and want to play a role in shaping their evolution, now is a perfect time to get involved in the field. With focused learning and hands-on training, you can develop the skills needed to join the front lines of robotics innovation.

Udacity’s Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree program provides a comprehensive, project-based curriculum crafted by industry experts to equip you with job-ready robotics skills. We also have a number of other best-in-class Courses and programs to help you on your path inside our School of Autonomous Systems, School of Programming, and School of AI. Ready to get started? Unlock your passion for robotics today!

Dakota Nunley

Content Strategy Manager at Udacity

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