
Mastering SQL Constraints: Tips and Tricks

What is a SQL Constraint?

A SQL constraint is a rule that is enforced on a table or datasource to ensure consistency and accuracy of data. Applying constraints is a common practice used to create clean, filtered datasets and is an essential part of maintaining data accuracy in a database. By enforcing rules that must be followed, SQL constraints prevent errors, making source data more reliable.

Why are SQL Constraints useful?

In most cases, using a constraint is meant to address messy data. They ensure that data entered into a database meets certain criteria or conditions by acting as a rule that helps to maintain data integrity and consistency. In practice, constraints can help maintain data integrity, avoid errors, improve performance and enforce business rules.

Types of SQL Constraints

There are several types of constraints in SQL that have different use cases in practice.

Primary Key Constraint

This ensures that each row in a table has a unique identifier like an ID. The primary key constraint is often used as a reference to link or join tables together in a relational database.

Unique Constraint

This is commonly used to ensure that a column in a table contains only unique values. Unique constraints come in handy for fields such as email addresses or usernames to prevent duplicates.

Check Constraint

This is used to define a condition that must be met before data can be added to a table. For example, a check constraint can be used to ensure that a date is within a certain date range or below a specific maximum value.

When to use SQL constraints

SQL constraints can be an easy and practical method for prepping your source data for regular usage. Here are the most popular use cases for using a constraint.

Data accuracy

As mentioned above, one of the most valuable use cases for a SQL constraint is to correct messy data and ensure an accurate and consistent query output. Setting up constraints prevent incorrect data from being added to a table or dataset by enforcing rules that must be followed before the final dataset is created. This is especially important in scenarios where data accuracy is critical, such as financial systems or medical records.

In the example below, a table called Employees is being altered to filter the data that is being populated in a column called AGE using the CHECK constraint.  The constraint being added is named CK_Employees_Age and is creating a rule for Age >= 18.

This constraint has created a rule that only allows employees who are >=18 years old to be populated in the Employees table.

Data completeness

SQL constraints can be used to create rules that require all fields to contain values before the data can be added to the database. This helps to prevent data from being entered with missing or incomplete information. Using a NOT NULL constraint on a column in a table prevents any row with a NULL value for a specific column from being included in the table.

In the below example, a table CUSTOMERS is being created. In order to ensure there is data completeness for the values that are important, a SQL constraint of NOT NULL is applied to the email column.

By applying the SQL constraint of NOT NULL, the only data that will make it into the CUSTOMER table will have a NOT NULL value for email.

Performance optimization

As databases become larger, performance optimization has become a critical factor, making an important use case for SQL constraints. By defining constraints on a table, the database can optimize queries and speed up data retrieval and your query output.

An example of using a SQL constraint for query performance optimization is the INDEX constraint. An INDEX is a data structure that allows quick searching for specific values in a table. Without an INDEX, the database engine would need to query the entire table to find the resulting data, which can be slow and costly.

Below is sample code of using the INDEX constraint in SQL:

The above code creates an index on the LastName column in the Employees table. When searching for a specific last name in the LastName column the database engine can use the index to quickly and more efficiently find the relevant rows, rather than scanning the entire Employees table.

SQL constraints are an essential feature of any database system and are becoming more critical as data storage and access becomes larger and more democratized. By implementing constraints in database design, the data stored can be trusted to be more consistent and accurate. Using SQL constraints is a best practice that can help to build a robust and reliable database solution.

Looking to expand your knowledge of SQL? Take our SQL online Nanodegree program to gain in-demand skills and master the core programming language for data analysis.

Emily Glauser

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