
What Is Digital Talent & Why You Should Care

The world is getting increasingly digital. From the way we communicate with others to the way we shop for groceries, everything seems to be digitized. In the world of work, this is known as digital transformation, or “the process of adapting your business to new technology.”

Companies that fail to digitally transform aren’t able to keep up with more modern competitors because they aren’t able to iterate as quickly, automate processes, or analyze data when making business decisions. Being able to hire new digital talent and reskill current talent is a key part of digital transformation within an organization.

What Is Digital Talent?

Digital talent is a trendy way to refer to anyone who works in tech, specifically in roles like programming, data, and automation. Really, anyone who helps an organization with digital transformation could be considered digital talent, from developers to project managers and even business leaders with a knack for technology.

A quick peruse of Udacity’s Nanodegree programs is a good indicator of what skills make up digital talent. Think data, cybersecurity, programming, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, etc…

Where Are All the Digital Workers?

According to a recent report conducted by Udacity and IPSOS, over half of enterprise companies say they aren’t able to complete their goals for digital transformation due to a lack of digital talent. These organizations are struggling to find people with the right experience level and technical skills for their open roles, leading to many perpetually unfilled technical roles.

What this boils down to is the fact that there just isn’t enough digital talent in the pipeline to meet the demand of companies looking to hire. The best thing you can do to close the gap is to invest in a radical talent transformation program. This will not only help your business thrive with digital talent, but it will also boost employee productivity and engagement. 

Get Job-Ready Digital Talent Udacity

When your complete workforce — employees, practitioners, and leaders — includes all the talent you need to innovate and succeed, anything is possible. Udacity offers comprehensive Nanodegree programs that can help your employees build the tech skills they need to become the digital talent your company is looking for.

Check out Udacity’s Enterprise offering to get started today.


Jennifer Shalamanov

Jennifer is a content writer at Udacity with over 10 years of content creation and marketing communications experience in the tech, e-commerce and online learning spaces. When she’s not working to inform, engage and inspire readers, she’s probably drinking too many lattes and scouring fashion blogs.

Published by
Jennifer Shalamanov

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