
Udacity & FPT Software Are Teaming Up To Create the Future With Online Education

We are ecstatic to announce that FPT Software is partnering with Udacity! FPT Software is a global leading IT services and technology, and with contracts now officially signed, we are excited to help create the future with online education. Together, we will develop customized special training for FPT Software employees, complete with certifications. 

About the Partnership Between Udacity & FPT

FPT Software continues its efforts to uplift and empower their employees by providing their workforce with Udacity’s robust digital transformation solution. While this tech and IT giant is based in Vietnam, it continues to serve people globally with over 56 locations and 50,000 employees in the US, Europe, APAC, and ANZ. 

FPT Software — a pioneer in digital transformation — deeply believes in personal growth and development, and continues to prove so. Udacity will provide all the training and education needed to upskill employees looking to upgrade their careers. This 3-year contract will provide 9,000 learning opportunities for IT engineers focusing on data science, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), internet of things (IoT), Cloud, blockchain, and online security, which will help FPT further impact digital transformation globally by enhancing their workforce’s expertise and advisory services for clients.

Working Together With FPT

Marc Jones, Udacity Regional Vice President, explains, “FPT Software is one of our first partnerships in Vietnam and a great example of large scale global companies putting people first. We are excited and look forward to creating a great impact with FPT Software, both in terms of business and giving back to society.”

Chief Finance Officer Nguyen Khai Hoan from FPT Software also agrees with Jones that working together will help further their missions by building up employees and growing globally and investing in people.

Join the Future of Online Education

Udacity is able to teach all people looking to expand their minds and skills by providing courses created and taught by people who work at Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and many other top tier tech companies. As a result, learning is no longer limited to in-person classes dictated by others. Instead, we can all help each other learn to move forward together. You, too, can find out how to further yourself or your employees by checking out the entire Udacity catalog and Udacity for Enterprise to address the talent shortage and skills gaps during the digital transformation journey.

Start Learning

Jennifer Shalamanov

Jennifer is a content writer at Udacity with over 10 years of content creation and marketing communications experience in the tech, e-commerce and online learning spaces. When she’s not working to inform, engage and inspire readers, she’s probably drinking too many lattes and scouring fashion blogs.

Published by
Jennifer Shalamanov
Tags: FPT Software

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