Mentor Stories

Mentor Spotlight: Making an Impact on Students’ Lives with Merna Hesham

“I want to help my peers understand concepts I once struggled with,” explains Merna Hesham,  a data scientist and Udacity mentor for the Machine Learning DevOps Nanodegree program based out of Egypt.

Making the Jump From Udacity Student to Mentor

Through the scholarships and the sponsored programs associated with the FWD initiative in Egypt, Merna was able to elevate her technical skills quickly with Udacity, which led to some great job opportunities in data science.

“I was motivated [to become a mentor] because of the very helpful weekly sessions offered throughout my course. I wanted to become like our Session Lead,” Merna shares. 

Interested in becoming a Udacity Mentor, Merna found a program aligned with her passion and goals. After applying, she was accepted as a mentor in an area that interests her, benefits her, and fits well in her overall career aspirations. 

Life as a Udacity Mentor

Given her experience as a Udacity student, Merna knows what it takes to be a successful mentor. 

“Consistently encouraging students during their learning journey is key.”

Being that all students value well thought-out and insightful feedback, good mentors are always detailed in their feedback and in the solutions they provide. Merna also stresses the importance of providing kind feedback when reviewing students’ work. 

As a Udacity mentor, Merna has gained a significant level of technical knowledge in a very short time. She mentions that while guiding others, she has been able to come across many new ideas and the solutions to new types of possible errors, keeping her updated in the field.

Become a Udacity Mentor

If you’re interested in sharing your expertise and impacting students’ lives, learn more about becoming a mentor at Udacity. 

Become a Mentor

Jennifer Shalamanov

Jennifer is a content writer at Udacity with over 10 years of content creation and marketing communications experience in the tech, e-commerce and online learning spaces. When she’s not working to inform, engage and inspire readers, she’s probably drinking too many lattes and scouring fashion blogs.

Published by
Jennifer Shalamanov

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