
The Data Structure Interview Questions You Need to Know

With over 43,000 jobs currently listed on Glassdoor, there’s no question that programmers are in high demand. 

While the types of jobs available for programmers will vary, there are certain foundational concepts, such as data structures, that you can expect to be asked about when interviewing for a new role. 

That’s why it’s critical for all programmers, regardless of the programming language, to understand — and be ready to explain — data structures.

Here’s how you can best prepare for your job search and be ready to answer a variety of data structure interview questions. 

What are Data Structures?

Data structures are a foundational concept of programming which is utilized in algorithm design. They’re the backbone of any computer program and act as a system to store, organize and retrieve data. Strong data structures are critical to having a program that runs efficiently. 

When interviewing, you can expect questions about what a data structure is to be at the top of the list. Prospective employers will want to test your ability to explain and interpret data structures, as well as share how they can be applied within the role you’re trying to land. 

Specific foundational data structure interview questions you can prepare for include:

  • Where are data structures generally used?
  • What’s the difference between file structures and data structures?
  • What types of searches are used in data structures?
  • What is a queue in data structures?
  • What data structures make use of pointers?

Data Structure Terminology & Concepts

Like any industry, computer programming has a language all its own. Potential employers want to see you have a strong grasp on key terms and concepts that will be applied in the role, so brushing up on your ability to explain each one is a must.

When mapping out your answers for these questions, consider how you can demonstrate your understanding of the terminology. Also, you’ll want to be ready to discuss how it’s applied in practice along with what specific experiences you have that showcase both your knowledge and ability to implement.  

Data structure interview questions may cover terminology and concepts such as:

  • What’s a queue?
  • What’s a priority queue?
  • What does deque mean?
  • What’s a binary tree?
  • What’s a stack?
  • What’s a linked list?
  • What’s an ordered list?
  • What are multidimensional arrays?
  • What’s dynamic memory management?
  • What’s merge sort?
  • What’s data abstraction?
  • What’s a linear search?
  • What are FIFO and LIFO?

Highlighting Your Data Structure Skills

When meeting with potential candidates, interviewers want to hear how you put your skills into practice. This is the part of the interview where you can answer questions by sharing examples of your past work or projects and how you applied the concepts. 

These questions will vary based on the level of the role you’re applying for — entry-level, intermediate or advanced. 

Possible data structure interview questions you may be asked to showcase your skills include:

  • Why should heap be used over a stack?
  • How does Huffman’s algorithm work?
  • What’s the advantage of a linked list over an array?
    • What are the disadvantages?
    • When would you use each one?
  • Can you give an example of a double-linked list?
  • Name some dynamic data structures and explain when they are used.
  • What’s the benefit of algorithm analysis?
  • What functions can be performed on queues?
  • What’s the difference between PUSH and POP?
  • Where do you use tree data structures?

Showcase Your Entire Suite of Data Structure Skills

When you’re reviewing data structure interview questions to get ready for your interview, don’t forget that you’ll want to showcase both your technical skills and your transferable skills like problem-solving, communication and teamwork. 

Additionally, consider any certifications or additional education you have completed and think about how you can highlight those when answering questions. 

By taking the time to prepare yourself with these data structure interview questions, you’ll be best positioned to wow interviewers and land the job of your dreams 

Are you interested in pursuing a career working with data structures?

The Udacity Data Structures and Algorithms Nanodegree Program can help you get started. You’ll get hands-on practice with over 100 data structures and algorithm exercises along with technical mentor support when needed to help prepare you for interviews and on-the-job scenarios.

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