
Don’t Let These 5 Email Marketing Interview Questions Take You By Surprise

When it comes to digital marketing, email remains one of the most powerful tools any marketer has. A 2020 survey from the Content Marketing Institute ranked email marketing as the number two promotional method, with 87% of marketers using it.

That’s exactly why email marketing specialists are always in demand. Companies need skilled professionals to create and send email campaigns, manage email service providers, maintain databases with customer information, and report on campaign performance.

To land an email marketing role, you’ll need a mix of skills including writing, editing, tech, and even marketing analytics. Potential employers will want you to demonstrate you have these skills, along with creative and strategic thinking capabilities during the interview.

Here are our top five email marketing interview questions to help you be successful during your next conversation with a potential employer. 

How do you stay up-to-date with new email marketing developments?

Email marketing evolves quickly so potential employers want to know you have your finger on the pulse of what’s new and what’s next.

Think about how you stay up-to-date with changes and where you get information. Be ready to share that in your interview and use examples in your answers so you can showcase that you’re knowledgeable and on top of trends.

Demonstrating that you’re aware of changes on the horizon, such iOS 15 updates that’ll impact privacy, data tracking and user security, can help set you apart from other candidates for the role.

Can you walk me through a campaign you’ve executed and share how it performed?

For your interview, don’t just tell them about your experiences, come ready to show them. Prepare a case study (or two) that shares a campaign you worked on including the audience, goals, campaign and results.

The more specific you can be the better, so aim to include metrics as well as copy or design elements. This will help provide a real sense of what you could do as part of their team if they decide to hire you.

How would you build on our current email strategy? What do you like/don’t like about our emails?

When preparing for your interview, you’ll want to do everything possible to check out the company’s emails. Sign up for their newsletter and any other emails so you have a solid idea of their brand voice, style and overall email marketing strategy.

Remember, many times employers are hiring not just for your skills, but for a fresh perspective. If invited, you can provide input on what you like, and where you see an opportunity for potential improvements with their email marketing.

What are some examples of creative ways to increase open rates and conversions you’ve used in the past?

Email marketing is about so much more than simply writing and sending out emails, it’s about strategy too. Be ready to answer email marketing interview questions related to your creative and strategic thinking skills.

Before your interview, think through past campaigns you’ve worked on. Prepare examples of how you’ve been able to use A/B testing, clever subject lines, or compelling calls to action to get readers to open, engage, and convert.

What’s your approach to list management and hygiene?

A foundational part of most email marketing roles is managing the list and taking actions to ensure ongoing hygiene. However, this part of the role is often overlooked, so sharing your approach to list management is a must as it shows your potential employer that you’re cognizant of how important it really is.

To prepare, consider how you can be proactive about list management as part of the role, and how it can be an effective way to improve overall results. 

Email Marketing Interview Questions: Get Ready to Wow Your Potential Employer

Email marketing is here to stay, which means a career in email marketing offers a viable and exciting option for today and tomorrow. To ensure you’re ready for a new email marketing role, consider upleveling your skills so you’re well-equipped in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

Udacity’s Digital Marketing Nanodegree offers a strong focus on email marketing including conversion and retention strategies. Plus, you’ll learn how email marketing fits in with the rest of the digital marketing landscape and acquire must-have skills in social media, SEO, advertising and Google Analytics. 

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