School of Business

Top 10 Digital Marketing Jobs

This blog post was last updated on July 20, 2021.

What is Digital Marketing? As computers, smartphones, and other Internet-capable devices become increasingly popular, so do the number of jobs requiring digital marketing skills. A focus on digital elements is now at the center of many companies’ marketing strategies. Check out these top digital marketing jobs.

1. Digital Marketing Manager

Digital project managers play a critical role in overseeing and implementing digital campaigns. They’re responsible for laying out a project, creating a timeline, setting milestones, and managing budgets, among other tasks. Digital project managers need to have excellent organization, communication, and collaborative skills. The average digital marketing manager salary in the United States is $108,582.

2. Content Strategist

Content strategists are responsible for developing content tailored to a company’s objectives and target audience. They must be able to use analytic tools to find out which topics engage the audience and drive traffic to view the company’s digital media. Content strategists have strong writing skills and a grasp of search engine optimization (SEO).

3. Virtual Reality Developer

Virtual reality (VR) products are still in their infancy but are becoming increasingly popular. Thus, many companies incorporate VR into their digital marketing campaigns. This is a high-tech job that attracts people who have strong backgrounds in technology and creative arts.

4. SEO and SEM Specialist

In order to get maximum traffic to their websites, businesses need to rank highly on search engine results pages. Though search engine algorithms are always changing, SEO and SEM specialists know how to create content that ensures a company’s website gets seen by the target audience. These roles can also lend themselves to freelance marketing positions and are good for people who enjoy working remotely. 

5. User Experience Designer

User experience (UX) designers not only have backgrounds in technology and design but also have a firm grasp on human behavior. They develop websites, products, and apps in a way that encourages consumers to follow through with purchases. They operate with the entire experience in mind, with the end goal of improving sales, customer retention rates, and lead generation.

6. Data Analysts

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), there’s an enormous amount of collected data and information to categorize and analyze. Data analysts create systems to organize and examine this data so that companies can interpret it and apply it to their digital marketing campaigns.

7. Email Marketing Specialist

Email marketing specialists are responsible for creating and launching email campaigns in addition to maintaining databases with customer information and various lists. Email marketing specialists have strong writing and editing skills, particularly in persuasive writing.

8. Internet of Things Marketing Specialist

People use tablets, smartphones, smartwatches, and other devices for various web-based activities. IoT marketing specialists use the data collected from these devices to create campaigns that work for people who use the devices.

9. Bot Developer

The use of virtual assistants and AI is a popular form of customer service. Bot developers and AI specialists know how to create and program these chatbots to enhance the user experience and encourage customers to complete a sale. Many major marketing companies are starting to use bots to support their businesses

10. Social Media Marketer

Social media managers help companies communicate with their customers across various social media platforms. They use analytics to understand how customers interact with brands. Social media marketing managers also create content campaigns that attract and engage new and existing customers.

The field of digital marketing is incredibly varied in the career opportunities it offers. See if digital marketing jobs might be part of your next career move by learning more through Udacity’s Digital Marketing Nanodegree, checking out marketing job boards, or see all programs in the Udacity School of Business

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Jennifer Shalamanov

Jennifer is a content writer at Udacity with over 10 years of content creation and marketing communications experience in the tech, e-commerce and online learning spaces. When she’s not working to inform, engage and inspire readers, she’s probably drinking too many lattes and scouring fashion blogs.

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