
Four Technologies to Help Your Business Through Digital Transformation

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact businesses, digital transformation has become a major buzzword — but some people struggle to define it. Just put “what is digital transformation” into Google and the responses will range anywhere from having an online presence in the form of a website to the complete rethinking of how organizations use technology. 

While there is no definitive answer to this question, the meaning depends on how you plan to lay the foundation of digital transformation for your business. For now, let’s agree that it’s much more than just having a website, using a fancy CRM, or chatbots.

According to a recent business impact survey of the 373 IT professionals conducted by IDG Research, 59% of respondents said that there has been increased pressure for digital transformation post the pandemic. 

As global businesses and enterprises try to adopt digital technologies, they grapple with the challenge of upskilling both their teams and themselves to be abreast of the latest trends in  digitization.

To ensure that your business is creating a truly impactful digital transformation strategy, read on to learn how our Nanodegree programs can help you skill your employees in popular technologies and to scale your efforts. 

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

A lot has been said about how AI and ML can transform businesses, especially due to the spur in availability and accessibility of data. There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is more real than ever. AI and ML technologies are impacting almost every business function.

So if you want to get your team skilled in these technologies then check our School of Artificial Intelligence for Nanodegree programs related to the field. You can choose from broader Nanodegree programs like Artificial Intelligence, AI Programming with Python, Intro to Machine Learning with PyTorch, Intro to Machine Learning with TensorFlow or specific programs like AI for Healthcare or AI for Trading. You can also check out some programs on the basis of your role like AI Product Manager and AI for Business Leaders.


The apprehensions and hesitations associated with the adoption of cloud technologies are gradually fading away. In fact, it is now one of the most important technologies defining digital transformation for any organization because of its flexibility and agility. 

Want to create cloud tech competencies in your organization? Move straight to our School of Cloud Computing and choose the right program for your team. You can choose from our Cloud Developer or Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree programs. If your organization already uses AWS or Microsoft Azure then we also have specialized programs in these fields. Check the AWS Cloud Architect,  Developer for Microsoft Azure, or DevOps Engineer for Microsoft Azure. If Hybrid Cloud is your area of interest then take a look at  Hybrid Cloud Engineer Nanodegree program.

Smartphones & Mobile

Mobile has forever changed our world. And now that the 5G revolution is right around the corner, you can expect it  to be disrupted once again. The last decade has witnessed an explosion of mobile apps. And this trend is going to continue in the future. If creating mobile-first experiences for your business appeals to you then check our iOS Developer and Android Kotlin Developer Nanodegree programs. 

Robotics & Automation

Robotics and automation are turning out to be big game changers for digital transformation. They are changing business fundamentals by increasing productivity, efficiency, and reducing costs.

If you are looking to drive these processes for your business then check out our Robotics Process Automation Nanodegree program or Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree program. The skills learned in these Nanodegree programs can help you learn to build businesses of the future.

These are just some of the ways in which you can accelerate the digital transformation process for your business. If you are looking to learn other skills,  programs then browse through our list of Nanodegree programs and select the right one for you and  your team.

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Ritika Pradhan

Ritika is the Content Manager at Udacity and is passionate about bringing inspirational student stories to light. When not talking to the amazing Udacity students, she can be found reading an article or watching a video on the internet.

Published by
Ritika Pradhan

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