School of Business

How to add Google Analytics to WordPress

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In our previous blog we talked about why do you need Google Analytics when you have WordPress stats. In this blog, we will talk more about how to add Google Analytics to WordPress.

Google Analytics offers WordPress users a variety of plugins to choose from. Depending on the one you choose, your setup may witness slight differences. Common WordPress plugins include MonsterInsights, Google Analytics Dashboard for WP, and WooCommerce for Google Analytics.

In this example, we’ll go with MonstorInsights, which is perhaps the most powerful, easiest, and most popular WordPress plugin, with over two million installs (including heavyweights like Microsoft, FedEx, Bloomberg, and Subway). What’s more, you can configure the plugin in a matter of minutes, view actionable insights right within your WordPress dashboard, and enable specific analytics features with just a click – no coding needed!

So, how do you install Google Analytics in your website and get started with your tracking? It’s really simple – all it takes is three steps (assuming you’ve already signed up for Google Analytics using your Google account).

Step 1: Install and activate the plugin.

Go to Plugins -> Add New and search for “MonsterInsights” or “Google Analytics.” Click Install Now, download, and activate.

Step 2: Connect Google Analytics.

Once the plugin has been activated, a new menu item, “Insights,” will be added to your WordPress admin menu. Click it to pull up the MonsterInsights setup wizard. You will be prompted to authenticate your Google account.

Clicking the button will redirect you to the Google Analytics page, where you will be asked to sign in/ select the account you’ll be using to track your data.

Step 3: Grant data access.

Once you have logged in, Google Analytics will request permission for the plugin to access your data. Make sure to grant permission, since it’s pretty much the point of the whole exercise. Then, you’ll be asked to select the profile that you wish to track. Select it, complete the authentication, and you’re done! You’ll then be taken back to your site.

Remember, it’ll take a while for Google to start showing you your data. It takes about 12–24 hours for the numbers to start popping up, so make sure to check back then.

Are you on track yet?

Google Analytics provides you with precious insights that prove critical to enhancing overall website performance, as well as the outcomes of your digital marketing efforts. You can not only learn about what is or isn’t working, but also get to know more about your visitors, so that you can keep improving the user experience and driving conversions. For a quick refresher on the role of Google Analytics in your overall digital marketing strategy, sign up for a Marketing Analytics Nanodegree program. Keep rolling!

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Ritika Pradhan

Ritika is the Content Manager at Udacity and is passionate about bringing inspirational student stories to light. When not talking to the amazing Udacity students, she can be found reading an article or watching a video on the internet.

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Ritika Pradhan

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