It’s an old English adage dating back to the 1500’s, and we still hear it and say it today. Clear proof the message has staying power!

There’s no time like the present.

It’s meant to encourage someone to take action. Wise words will do that. You hear the wisdom, you recognize the merit, you do what you need to do.

Sometimes  you need more than that. Particularly with the big decisions. Education is not to be taken lightly, and wise words alone won’t always move you.

So, we’ve got 25 reasons why you should enroll in a Nanodegree program! And only two steps you have to undertake once you’ve decided:

  1. Find the Nanodegree program that’s perfect for you!
  2. Select Enroll Now

Now, about those 25 reasons…

Let’s begin with the core principles.

When you enroll in a Nanodegree program, you get:

  • An innovative online model that is accessible, affordable and inclusive
  • Intensive coursework, expert instructors, and cutting-edge curriculum
  • One-on-one mentoring, real-time chat opportunities, and facilitated peer interaction
  • Best-in-class project review that is personalized, rigorous and timely
  • Guided career support, and direct connections to top employers
  • A credential built and recognized by global industry leaders like Google, AT&T and Facebook

Now let’s think about some of the concepts that drive those items above:

  • Flexibility: Our online model means you can work when it’s right for you
  • Accessibility: Work from anywhere, on a connected device
  • Affordability: All the education, at a fraction of the cost 

And then let’s consider the real-world impacts:

  • You don’t have to quit your job
  • You don’t have to move somewhere new
  • You don’t need to take out loans

Now, let’s shift over to jobs:

  • We offer curriculum built with the companies where you want to work
  • We verify your achievement with industry-recognized credentials
  • We support your portfolio, which in turn connects you directly to hiring partners

Next, let’s look at some long-running Nanodegree programs with a proven track record of helping people land rewarding jobs:

Finally, let’s hear directly from our students!

  • “Ultimately, Udacity is what really became the driving force behind the career change.”
  • “Before Udacity, I was working two minimum wage jobs. Now, I have a new job, a new mindset, and new life!”
  • “I got new job as a Data Science Engineer after graduating from my Nanodegree program.”
  • “Udacity helped me discover my passion and now I love what I do!”

So there you have it! 25 reasons to enroll! What else is there to say, but … there’s no time like the present!

Christopher Watkins
Christopher Watkins
Christopher Watkins is Senior Writer and Chief Words Officer at Udacity. He types on a MacBook or iPad by day, and either an Underwood, Remington, or Royal by night. He carries a Moleskine everywhere.